2013년 8월 23일 금요일

Orientation Day for Graduate Student

UST Orientation Day

Three nights and four days were the days that determined for the orientation. On August 20, we headed from KIST-Seoul City to UST-Daejong City around 12 by luminous bus. It took 2 and a half hour to get there. 

It was totally horrible on the first day of orientation. We did not have breakfast before going, and lunch after arriving at Daejong City. I was freaky hungry and mad. But fortunately I had a packet of snacks and a bottle of water, so I could survive for a while by consuming them. 

Pose together with new students of UST
right after the entrance Ceremony at UST, Daejong City

After the entrance ceremony, we were divided into two main groups: the International students and the National students (The Korean students) to start the orientation. I don't know what the Korean student did at the moment, but we the International students went to a seminar room and got a lecture for about 1 and a half hours. 

Then we took a luminous bus and moved to Daechon City. After 3 hours finally we arrived at Hanhwa Resort, the place that we were staying for the rest days of the orientation. And yes, we finally had dinner there.   

The resorts that we stayed during the orientation

Pose together with the members of group 2 after lego dacta house project

Me at Daechon beach. It was sunny but super duper hot

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