2012년 8월 24일 금요일

JEJU ISLAND - Kart Racing

카트 체험

Today was hell fun. After 2 hours looking around the Mt. Songak, we then went for experiencing Kart Racing which is located 100m from Mt. Songak. I didn't think that my BF's going to take me there. WoW!!! I just cannot describe how happy I was. 

The direction banner to Kart Racing field from Songaksan

The ticket's price for kart racing
We took the double kart, but we only payed 30.000 won
Ajosshi was nice that time...hhhh,  we got 5000 won discount :)

Me and My boo during the racing 
오빠랑 같이 드라이브를 하는 중

He drove so fast~OMG!!!
오래간만에 드라이브를 안 해서 이거를 탄 동안 넘넘 시난거같애^^

This is the final rotation, need to drive slowly, 
because I don't wanna miss the race
천천히 드라이브를 해야징...ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

We are approaching finish line
마지막 라인으로 가는중

Finally we finished 30 rotations. 
Feeling tired after the racing but it was fun though
드뎌 30 rotation 했음. 피곤하긴 한데 넘 재미있었어요 

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