2011년 12월 19일 월요일


Each of us had our own dreams since we were children. Some of us wanted to be a doctor, engineer, scientist, economist, president, etc. With these dreams made us struggle in our study from the very first day we attended school until now. Some of us still hold on their dream once we were a child, but some are not. They have changed the way that they will be. Also, that's what happened to me.
When I was in elementary school, a teacher told us to draw anything on the poster, sort of our dream in the future when we grew up. I saw other friend with different drawing on the poster. To be honest, that time I drew about I was wearing a white coat long-sleeved, and held a basket with million dollars on it. On the poster I wrote this message: "I want to be a doctor so that I can make million dollars!"
One day, my parents told me that I should became a business woman to make a lot of money, but I didn't care for that idea since I knew that to be a doctor is necessary for me, my family and my community, especially for those who are in need. As the time gone by, I then change my mind that I do not want to be a doctor in the future anymore. Because being doctor, everyday you will face injured patients and something relates to the blood. On the other hand, I am the one who really scares of the blood and injure.
As I attended high school, I participated one of school's extracurricular activities called Wall Journal. I was in that club two years and a half, and I really enjoyed my time by working with computer. Sometimes, I spent lots time in front of computer by doing journal. 
From that time, I was really impressed by computer. Not just how to make the journal in my extracurricular activity, but also really wanted to know the computer itself. I really want to study about computer. That's why after my graduation I intended to study about computer science in the university in my home country (East Timor) for 6 months before came here. I'm sure that choosing a career is not easy problem. Last year when I attended English Business Practice class, I have learned how to choose a good career for myself, a career that suits me. Also, I have determined which way I should follow to achieve this career.
Nowadays, there are varieties of professions such as being a doctor, an economist, a lawyer, etc. Therefore, it is hard to choose which suits your interests and abilities. As for me I have made up my mind to become an engineer. I love working with computer, and make innovation about modern technology.

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